Plant for building rubble, demolition waste and bulky household waste

The purpose of the plant is to separate hard plastics, foils, metal, paper, stone and wood from building rubble, demolition waste and bulky household waste. Wood, plastic and foils are the biggest and most valuable streams.

Coarse and heavy materials, more robust plant

In principle, the same thing happens as in the household residual waste plant, except in this case the materials are coarser and heavier. Reducing the fractions requires more attention, as does the plant’s resistance to wear and tear. Ideally, a separation plant should have as few bends as possible. Wear plates made from 400 to 500 Hardox steel are used at overflow points.

Basically, the separation plant for building rubble, demolition waste and bulky household waste consists of a reducer, sieves, magnets, wind shifters, ballistic separators and near-infrared (NIR) scanners.

The material is first separated into a 2D and 3D stream. The 2D stream consists of flat parts, like foils, paper and textiles. The 3D stream is made up of dimensionally stable materials, like hard plastics.

In the 2D stream, paper and foils are separated using wind shifting. In the 3D stream, hard plastics are separated using NIR scanners. Where necessary, iron or non-ferrous metals and drinks cartons are removed from the stream using magnets. An NIR scanner separates plastics up to the level of PET, PP and PE. Wood and stone can be separated either by specific weight or by radiation technology.

The separation plant for building rubble, demolition waste and bulky household waste can be designed and built according to customer specifications, with a processing capacity ranging between 10 t/hour to 70 t/hour.

De scheidingsinstallatie voor bouw, sloop- en grof huishoudelijk restafval kan klantspecifiek worden ontworpen en gerealiseerd, met een verwerkingscapaciteit van 10 ton/uur tot 70 ton/uur.