Frans Moorman
project manager at Attero in Wijster
In 2015 Banzo completed a new plant for Attero Wijster for the sorting of plastics, cartons, and ferrous and non-ferrous metals from source-segregated material. Banzo designed, manufactured and assembled the installation. The sorting takes place via a film grabber, ballistic separator, 10 optical (NIR) separators, overhead magnets, eddy current and hand sorting.
Frans Moorman is project manager at Attero in Wijster. He was actively involved in the realization of a post-separation plant for household waste. It was a large-scale project involving Banzo, which worked on the design, installation and maintenance of it.”
We put a tender in the market and chose a supplier who came out on top on the parts, price, quality, safety and speed.
‘’We put a tender in the market and chose a supplier who came out on top on the parts, price, quality, safety and speed. Banzo was a logical choice, because they scored the best in these areas. This is a project with a total investment of 8 million euros. To give you an idea, this system separates 280,000 tons of waste per year. That is waste from 500,000 households in the Netherlands.”
‘’Banzo worked out the design details. Thanks to well-developed 3D drawings, our technical department saw exactly where the parts were supposed to go. We saw that everything was correct and in a logical place. For example, there is plenty of walking space on the platforms, with good connections well into the next device. It was a constructive cooperation between Banzo and the project team. Banzo are the work specialists who deliver consistent quality.”
‘’Once the components were produced, the plant could be built. This too went well. Banzo thought everything through and made sure everything was well organized. The delivery could take place earlier than planned thanks to the timely arrival of the parts.”